Get Checked for Colon Cancer

Cancer screening is testing done on people who are at risk of getting cancer, but who have no symptoms and generally feel fine. It does not diagnose cancer.

Getting screened helps find colorectal cancer early, when it is more likely to be cured. When colorectal cancer is caught early, 9 out of 10 people with the disease can be cured.


2 Types of Colon Cancer Screening Tests

1. FIT Test

 Is a kit you collect stool and mail off, requires a valid health card number or will be rejected.   

Please read the following regarding proper collection for FIT test.

Click here for more info. Check out Utube video for instructions on how to collect.

People should be screened with a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) every 2 years. Abnormal FIT results should be followed up with colonoscopy within 8 weeks.

2. Colonoscopy

Is a procedure where a camera is used to examine your lower colon see info. Check out Utube video to explain this procedure in more detail.


Cancer Care Ontario notifies people who are due for colon cancer screening with a letter.


Think you are due or unsure or did not get a recall notification?

 You can request a colon cancer screening test or appointment to discuss it further with Dr. Holmes, or Dr. Yamamoto

Please call the office.

Check out Cancer Care Ontario's website for more information.